Learn Data Science
R and Python are two popular languages for data science. We use both at Instacart.
This is a short guide for R.
It’s quick and everything is completely free. Follow in order for a smoother ride.
Download R and RStudio Desktop.
Getting Started
Complete Try R. Then read about data structures and subsetting. The str()
command will be a favorite as you learn.
Your First Model
Kaggle is a platform for data science competitions. Complete the “getting started” competition by following this great tutorial (5 parts).
Keep Learning
Read and do the labs in An Introduction to Statistical Learning (available as a free PDF). Understand the bias-variance tradeoff.
Check out R for Data Science and these courses:
Get a quick intro to time-series analysis.
Also check out Google’s R Style Guide.
Good to Know
- variables and function names in R can (and often do) contain dots -
is a variable name, not a call to thelm