Hardening Devise

A few basic steps to make your Devise setup more secure lock

Send notifications for important events

Like a user changing his or her email or password. For email changes, notify the old email address to prevent quiet account takeovers (changing the email then resetting the password).

In config/initializers/devise.rb, set:

config.send_email_changed_notification = true
config.send_password_change_notification = true

Rate limit login attempts

Use Devise’s Lockable module to protect individual accounts. This will lock an account after too many attempts.

Use a library like Rack::Attack to slow down credential stuffing. This will prevent an IP address from trying to sign into many different accounts using credentials from data breaches.

Create config/initializers/rack_attack.rb with:

Rack::Attack.throttle("logins/ip", limit: 20, period: 1.hour) do |req|
  req.ip if req.post? && req.path.start_with?("/users/sign_in")

ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("rack.attack") do |name, start, finish, request_id, req|
  puts "Throttled #{req.env["rack.attack.match_discriminator"]}"

Record and monitor login attempts

Use AuthTrail to record login attempts.

Remember, defense in depth!

For more, check out Secure Rails.

Published July 7, 2016

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